Blinds are easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle, this is the easiest way. Since it does not need to remove the lamellas from the eaves, an effective method in the absence of significant contamination. We do not recommend washing the blinds in a washing machine. If the lamellas are heavily soiled, they must be removed from the eaves. Before washing, it is necessary to remove the weights from the slats, and carefully remove the chain. Each lamella rolls into a roll (you can tie them to preserve their shape). Dip into soapy water or into water with powder (preferably with neutral pH). After the dirt has passed away (it is not recommended to rub the blinds, the protective impregnation can be removed), the lamellas are taken out of the water, the wet ones are hung back into place. Under their weight and under the weight of the weights, the lamellas straighten and dry. The ideal option – put in dry cleaning (if they accept such products). It is recommended to lubricate the cornice guides with silicone grease once a year.
Products made of fiberglass – only dry cleaning is recommended, and for functional rubberized fabrics – cleaning with special cleaning agents.
Cleaning the fabric blinds makes sense when the cost of cleaning does not exceed the cost of replacing the lamellas on this product!
Vertical plastic
Do not require special care products. For cleaning – regularly with a soft cloth made of microfiber, with a special brush or vacuum cleaner to clean the dust from the lamellas. For washing, use only cold or warm water. Do not use solvents containing acetone and other active ingredients.
If the lamellas are heavily soiled can be removed, put in a bath with warm soapy water, rinse thoroughly, wipe, and then allow them to dry out in the open air. We recommend to lubricate the cornice guides with silicone grease once a year.
Aluminum horizontal
Do not require special care products. It is enough to wash them regularly with soap and a soft rag or vacuum with a brush – a soft nozzle. For washing, you can use only cold or warm water (not boiling water or hot water). Significant contamination can be removed with a clean cloth soaked in vinegar.
If the blinds are very dirty, they can be removed, placed in a bath with warm soapy water (leaving the top cornice with a control mechanism over water), rinse thoroughly, wipe. After that, allow the blinds to dry out in the open air.
Wooden horizontal
Categorically it is not recommended to wash – water can cause not only deformation and curvature of lamellas, but also change their initial coloring, therefore, wet cleaning can be carried out only in exceptional cases. Caring for wooden blinds is similar to caring for a tinted wood without lacquer – the means to care for wooden furniture, after that they will get the original shine, and antistatic properties will help repel dust.
You can wipe only with a dry cloth or clean with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle. Blinds made of natural wood require careful and accurate handling.
Roller blinds
Care for curtains, the same as for vertical blinds – are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner with a brush, it is highly recommended not to wash in a washing machine!
If heavily soiled, it can be dropped into soapy water or water with a powder (preferably with a neutral pH) and dried. Drying should be in the expanded form, you can do this on the floor or table. The best option is to hand over the cloth to a dry cleaner.
Surface contamination can be cleaned with a simple rubber band.
Care for blinds – this is one of the items in the hygiene of the room. They not only protect us from intense light, but also involuntarily take on the function of collecting clubs of dust, bacteria and dirt coming from the street. That’s why scrupulous and important regular care is so important.
Picture Credit: gloriagypsy