Before embarking on the agony, it should be understood – is common sense in the upcoming waste of time? To understand, whether it is necessary to undertake work or to give up on spots, several rules will help:
Fresh spots are much less resistant to removal than old ones.
It is easier to wash a few small spots, than to remove one large contamination. If your favorite T-shirt is completely dirty, you’ll have to part with it.
Sprays and streaks give up faster if they hit a tight cloth – canvas or denim. Light and thin fabrics are more difficult to wash.
Any dye has a base – water, oil, emulsion, and others. For each base, your method of excretion is preferable: watercolor or gouache is easy to remove by machine wash. The most persistent recognized oil paints, which also give up with a competent approach.
So, to think about the fight with paint on clothes should be immediately after the spot is discovered. The first thing that is recommended is to determine the type of dye. This is what determines the way to fight pollution in the home.
Water-based paint stains
Paints on a water basis are familiar to everyone from childhood – it’s watercolor and gouache. Get rid of the traces of creativity on clothes is easy:
Watercolor, tempera, gouache is removed with usual soap. But before you remove watercolor paints from clothes, you have to soak the cloth for a while – let most of the dye dissolve and leave the fabric fibers.
Persistent contamination should be wiped off with a brush, moving from the edges to the center. The movement from the center of the spot to its edges will smear the spot, then it will take longer to remove.
Gentle tissues are best entrusted to shop stain removers.There is gouache, which contains a glutinous base. With her, things are more complicated. Then how to wash gouache from clothes at home? To help come a solution of equal parts of glycerin, ammonia and alcohol. The cloth is poured with a solution, left for half an hour, after which it is washed.
Acrylic is considered a water-soluble dye, therefore in theory it is not difficult to get rid of acrylic stains. But if the contamination has dried up within a couple of hours, then washing will not be enough.
How to wash the acrylic paint?
Rub the cloth under a stream of cool water.
Apply a detergent or stain remover to the soiling, rub with a toothbrush, then wash in a typewriter.
A large layer of paint should be scraped off with a sharp object, then carefully apply the solvent.
Oil-based paint stains
Spots from oily dyes are among the most difficult to extract. Therefore, before you wash the oil paint off your clothes, it’s worth making sure that the fabric does not suffer. To do this, experienced housewives advise to test the selected tool with a small, unobtrusive patch of tissue. Having convinced that clothes will not suffer, it is possible to proceed to the following algorithm:
Almost instantly, the oily dye is taken up as a crust. To begin with it is necessary to scrape off this crust, using a knife or a rigid brush.
Then you should moisten the stain with turpentine. Some mistresses use a mixture of butter and detergent to soften the oil pigment. The composition is suitable for gentle tissues, it is gently rubbed into the stain, then left for a couple of minutes.
When the dye becomes soft, it is removed with a cotton swab. After the pigment leaves, an oil stain remains on the fabric. Cope with fat is already easier, for this use ammonia, glycerine, finally, a dishwashing detergent.
It’s time to start washing! For machine washing mistresses use a usual powder in pair with stain removers.
Picture Credit: yohoprashant